Excellence in Pharmaceutical Consulting


Versatility in Expertise


  • Design and nonclinical studies (i.e., pharmacology, pharmacokinetics, and toxicology), protocol review, CRO selection and management, project management, monitoring, and review of study reports

  • Designing studies for safety qualification of impurities and novel excipients

  • Preparation of nonclinical sections of INDs (and regional equivalents) and market applications

  • Management of extractables and leachables studies


  • Design and conduct of clinical studies including protocol development and operations, CRO selection and management, project management, monitoring, and preparation of clinical study reports

  • Conduct of Advisory Boards including selection of key opinion leaders (KOLs) and preparation of materials

  • Development of internal good clinical practice (GCP) system and associated standard operating procedures (SOPs)

  • Medical Writing and Statistics: protocols, study reports, case report forms, informed consent, clinical sections of investigative new drug (IND) applications (and regional equivalents) and market applications


  • Agency meetings: pre-IND (PIND), end-of-Phase 2 (EOP2), pre-NDA (PNDA) and regional equivalents, and ad hoc meetings as warranted

  • Preparation of Meeting Requests and Information Packages, and electronic publishing and submission

  • Obtaining KOL advisement and meeting participation as needed

  • Leading agency discussions

  • Clinical trial applications (e.g., IND, IMPD) and market applications (e.g., NDA, NDS, MAA)

    • Project management and preparation of application in electronic Common Technical Document (eCTD) format

    • Selection and management of expert content providers (if needed)

    • Electronic publishing and submission

    • Management of applications post-submission (e.g., annual reports, IND updates, NDA supplements)

  • Preparation of Orphan Drug Designation applications

chemistry, manufacturing, and controls

  • CRO selection and management of drug substance (API) and drug product (final dosage form) manufacturers

  • Development of internal good manufacturing practice (GMP) system and associated SOPs

  • Oversight of drug substance development activities per ICH-Q11, including: development of the manufacturing process, and identification and qualification of critical quality attributes (CQAs); designation of starting materials and intermediates and development of associated specifications; conduct of development studies or regulatory importance (chemical and physical characterization of the drug substance, and characterization of impurity profile); release specification development; analytical methods development and validation; and stability programs

  • Oversight of drug product development per ICH-Q8(R2), including: formulation and process development, and scale up; identification and qualification of CQAs; excipient selection; release specification development; analytical methods development and validation; and stability programs

  • QA release of drug substance and drug product batches on behalf of the Sponsor

  • Logistical support (including import/export)